Thursday, April 08, 2004

Home, sweet..............

Hello everyone. Since Eric has been in Ft Rucker these past few days I thought I should post something to keep y'all entertained. Can I just say that it sucks when Eric is gone. It is so quiet here that I find myself talking to myself a lot more often and I talk to the dogs a lot more too. If the dogs weren't here I think I would not be able to stay here alone. For one thing I have to kill all of the insects that enter our house myself, usually that is Eric's job. I hated bugs before we moved down here, I especially hated spiders, but now I hate them more. Down here in Alabama, the freakin insects are 3 times larger than what I am used to!! It freaked me out the first spring we spent down here. I would go outside and see a spider as big as a fifty cent piece or a moth as big as a coaster! Ulgh!! I shiver just thinking about it. We have a lot of humongus wasps and yellow jackets living on our back porch and I really hate that. I am dealing with the bugs this time since there have been very few, but when Eric went out of town a month ago I killed about 9 spiders in my house that I am pretty sure are the brown recluse spiders-poisonous. I saw enough of them that I checked it out.


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