Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Go Huntsville

I am proud that Huntsville is getting Farenheight 9/11 in their theaters this weekend. I think I will go check it out. I was pretty sure that the south would not get this movie ever since it is anti-republican but I am glad that Huntsville realized that this city is not a typical southern city. It is such a mix of transplants from other states that you could get a lot of people to go see it. They had on the news the other day that many non-republicans in the south were angry because so few theaters were playing it and they were saying it was censorship. It is the only movie that interests me before King Arthur comes out.


R said...

Huntsville theater owners realized how much money Fahrenheit 9/11 made and they simply wanted a piece of the pie. I mean, who wouldn't?

It's a kick-ass movie.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Paul... you always seem so sad that I don't post, so here goes. =)

not to be a picky chemical engineering type, but it's 'Fahrenheit', you non picky computer science guy. Sue and I plan to see it tonight!


Sue said...

Yeah, it's Paul!!!!! Sorry I mispelled that word for you. We appreciate your comment, we know you are out there...........