Monday, October 09, 2006

The season starts earlier every year.

I cried a little in Target today. They already have Christmas decorations out for purchase:( All I can say is: Bah Hum Bug. Sue and I (ok, mostly Sue) just put out Halloween decorations this weekend!

I think my depression reached its peak when I noted the fact that the Halloween decorations and the Christmas decorations are both for sale at the same time at Target. One holiday at a time please. I know they all help you get me to buy useless crap, but still. Pace yourself people!


Sue said...

Honey, they have been out for almost a month now. Stores have been putting out Christmas stuff for a while now. Hallmark has all of their ornaments out already.

This is one thing I hate about America. We are always in a hurry. People worry about Christmas in June and they don't get to enjoy all of the great holidays in between. If you have to start shopping early for Christmas to save money then you are buying too much and need to stop. Seriously, it is not quantity or price, it is the thought. The Christians were complaining that they wanted to put Christ back into Christmas, but they ruined it all by themselves by stealing pagan traditions and making it the gift holiday. Ha ha ha, sweet revenge...

R said...

I'm sorry, but you guys totally missed Christmas '06. What you're seeing is the gear-up for the '07 holiday season.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Christmas quotes


"Some of you may be unhappy with this dereligionizing of the Holiday
Season, and you may have decided that, this year, you're going to
celebrate it the old-fashioned way, with your family sitting around
stringing cranberries and exchanging humble, handmade gifts, like on "The
Waltons". Well, you can forget it. If everybody pulled that kind of
subversive stunt, the economy would collapse overnight. The government
would have to intervene: It would form a cabinet-level Department of
Holiday Gift-Giving, which would spend billions and billions of tax
dollars to buy Barbie dolls and electronic games, which it would drop on
the populace from Air Force jets, killing and maiming thousands. So, for
the good of the nation, you should go along with the Holiday Program. This
means you should get a large sum of money and go to a mall." -Christmas Shopping: A Surviors Guide, by Dave Barry

Baby G & Dizzle said...

I caught myself singing along to the carols in the supermarket the other day. I had thought I couldn't be more ashamed of myself after I sang along to what they were playing in JULY (Neil Diamond). Wasted 1/4 of the year thinking I couldn't get lamer, yet there I go...
Don't know if you guys remember us, but we've got a blog documenting our travels, and would love to hear that you two are well.
Happy Holidays (?)