Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back in the Groove

I've been an unstoppable programming machine the last two days, even ignoring the fact that I accidentally deleted a day's worth of work yesterday. By the way, when you are getting rid of a folder of older code that you no longer need, be sure you have the older folder selected before you do a delete. Or, at least make sure you have not disabled the recycle bin. Or even, and I know this one is just plain crazy, read what the delete prompt actually says before you hit yes.

I came to a another realization yesterday. I mentioned eariler this week that I don't seem to be able to concentrate for long periods at all lately. But after the last few days I realize my problem is not that I have not been able to focus. The problem was I just didn't have enough to do. I need 8 hours of actual work to do or I tend to wander around the interweb a lot. These last two days I have been working 12 hours a day because...wait for it...yes...I'm SO close...DON'T STOP WITH YOUR SEXY ELLIPSES...YES....I had work to do!

And not that crappy, "write a spec for this product work, e-mail it to everyone, and get sign-off from all the major parties" bull shit work. Actual down to the bare metal, "I don't need no stinking OS to help me link functions, I LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress biatch" coding! Fuck ya. Bring that shit on!

God I'm a nerd. Self-love rambling like this raise the interesting question of how the hell did I ever get an actual woman to stay around me long enough to realize how awesome I am in bed? Or even let me hang out at second base long enough to let me figure out how to be good in bed in the first place? It is a mystry for the ages...

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