Saturday, May 01, 2004

Back Yard

I'm sitting on my lounge chair in my backyard right now relaxing and admiring my mowing job. There is something DEEPLY satisfactory about owing and taking care of your own yard. Yeah, the actual job of mowing the yard is dull (Note to self, need to invest in a headset and some sort of portable music player to make it bearable), but the feeling of pride I get afterwards is worth it. Its silly that I get pride from it really, but I do.

Of course, newly mowed grass smells nice too. Maybe that is why I like it:)

We need to have some people over I think. I know most (might even be all actually) of you have never seen my house, but we have a pretty big back yard (big enough for a game of boot even) and really large paved area right outside the back door for grilling, lawn furniture, and general revelry. Its really built for entertaining. Need to talk it over with Sue. After Monday, both of us will be done with school for the semester. A afternoon weekend party sounds like a good way to blow off some steam.

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