Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lack of blogging

I'm not sure why, but lately my urge to blog has really been down. So to jump start it I'm going to make a real effort to write a blog every day for a month and see how it goes. I'm assuming it will be just like this blog usually is: 1/2 funny, 1/2 serious, 1/2 not being good at math:)

Today I wanted to talk about the newest unholy abomination to come out of NBC: The Real Wedding Crashers. Couples allow a group of folks to ruin part of their wedding and film the whole thing for people's amusement.

I'm not sure what's worse. The fact that:

(a) people watch this and are actually amused by it. Really? What is amusing about tricking people and intentionally ruining what would otherwise be a celebration of a union between two people for the rest of their lives?

(b) ANY couple on Earth would sign up for this. What does it say about the bond of marriage you are about to enter when you decide to auction it up on TV and intentionally ruin part of it for 15 minutes of fame. I'll tell you what it says. "I don't take this seriously", is what it says to me.

When right wing folks complain that marriage is a sacred act reserved for a man and woman, gay people should point to this show as yet more proof that marriage is nothing of the sort.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Eric is a blog thief! I thought of this whole blog and he ripped it off when I was working! Go the Wings!