Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fool's and practical jokes...


Why is this a holiday??? Why is it funny to fool, confuse, anger and make people upset? Practical jokes are wrong and are totally not funny. How would people like it if we as nurses came into your room and said something like "I haven't been giving you any of the right meds these last few days so your heart will stop and the cancer has spread...Just kidding". Not funny right. Then why are other practical jokes funny? GROW UP America and be adults.

By the way, the lack of commenting on our blog makes us want to blog less. :) Please comment more, we enjoy the feedback whatever it is. :)


Anonymous said...

I personally love April 1st! I find it fun to be "on my toes" for a day, what really upsets me is the pratical jokes that are done the other 364 days during the year.

R said...

Man, I wish I were a manager during April. Then I'd wait until April 2nd and be like, "Dude, you're fired."


"April Fools!!!"

"Oh, phew, you almost -- wait, it's not April 1st."

"Oh yeah, that's right. Empty your desk."

That'd be funny. For me.