Monday, April 10, 2006

Pluses/Minuses to Working at Home

For those not in the know, I pretty much work from home for my new job. There are certainly some pluses and minuses to this setup:

Plus: I make my own hours. Banks are actually useful to me again. Ditto for the DMV, although that does not make me fill with any less murderous rage when I go there.

Minus: I feel the urge to work all the time. Sue will be watching some random shit on TV, and I will whip out the laptop and write 3 more lines of code.

Plus: When I am in the zone, no one bothers me. I can code like the mother-f#$king genius that I am. If I want to yell to the ceiling of my home office, "DO MY BIDDING YOU EVIL COMPLIER!", or "I AM A GOLDEN GOD!", or even "WHY MUST I FAIL AT EVERY ATTEMPT AT MASONRY?!?!", I can without having to worry about people staring at me. And I can finally avoid the weird looks from coworkers when they walk by my office and see me talking to myself about some weird facet of my code. And don't get me started on how much better naked Wednesdays are now...

Minus: Do you know how hard it is to get in the zone when you can look at literally ANYTHING on the internet and no one will slap your wrist? There is all that news, sports, info, naked girls, etc. I mean, just today I saw a link to this from one of the blogs I read: The Ozporns (NSFW, duh). Some day I hope MY life is cool enough that someone will want to make a porn spoof out of it.

Plus: Don't waste gas going to work, lunch, or anything else. I also don't eat out everyday, so I feel like I may be helping the environment just a tiny bit.

Minus: I am one smelly, dirty, hippy for most of the morning and half way into the afternoon. Showering and shaving are just not that far up there on my list of important things to do anymore in the morning.


Sue said...

I thought of a plus that you didn't, more lunch time sex with your wife or 9:00 or 10:00, or 11:00 am, etc. Sex whenever you want!!

Eric said...

Great, now I can't work for at least another hour because I am thinking about all the sex:)

R said...

If I worked at home I would never get anything done.

Eric said...

I'm not 100% sure I could do it with kids, especially as they got older. But for now it is great:) Just today I decided that it was too warm in my office, so I opened the window. That's right. I can code AND get fresh air at the same time!