Thursday, March 30, 2006

Prayer Not So Useful

From MSNBC: Power of prayer flunks an unusual test.

Apparently, not only does prayer not help reduce problems after heart surgery, God actually smites people who know others are praying for them slightly more often:)

From the article:

"The study looked for any complications within 30 days of the surgery. Results showed no effect of prayer on complication-free recovery. But 59 percent of the patients who knew they were being prayed for developed a complication, versus 52 percent of those who were told it was just a possibility."

I'm not entirely sure why God would punish those who actually knew that others were praying for them. Perhaps because he wants them to pray on their own and not outsource it to others. Perhaps he just likes the bitter irony. I know I do:)

What I do know is that we have a definite decision in round 489,954,543,543 of the Science v. God fight. Hands down this round goes to Science.

1 comment:

Sue said...

w00t! Go science! I could have done this studay at the hospital. So many of the patients are prayed for and end up dying or near death. Or God saves their life just so that the patient can be brain dead or mentally retarded and artficially fed and needing a breathing machine. Great! Do not sign me up and don't any of you dare try to pray for me...