Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I Owe You a Blog

I know it has been a week already since our last post. That is my bad. The worse thing is that I have at least three post ideas floating around in my head, but work is sucking up all my time and preventing me from writing anything. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this quick thought:

- Don't quit drinking Caffenine, start drinking lots of it, then stop again.

I did this the last couple of weeks with all my traveling. I ate a lot of fast food, and for whatever reason I always order soda when I go to a fast food place. Now that I am back I'm not drinking as much and it REALLY HURTS. My brain keeps telling me that it will repeatedly punish me until I get it some of that neactur of the Gods. During those times I have to threaten that I will put the Q-Tip all the way in my ear to get it to shut up.


R said...

Yah, dude, caffeine withdrawl is teh suck.

I remember a few weeks ago I walked into a Starbucks for some coffee. No joke, after one sip I felt a million times better. My whole body relaxed and I was at peace.

It's a drug. It owns me.

Eric said...

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to quiting. Thats assuming you actually WANT to quit of course:)

Sue said...

We just learned in nursing school that caffeine is the #1 abused substance in the US! It is actually classified under substance abuse! If you consume > 300mg a day you can have serious problems such as heart problems. A can of soda has about 40 mg and a cup of brewed coffee has about 140 mg. I am sure Starbucks has tons more!

Sue said...

I lied about the amount of caffeine in coffee, it is actually:
5 oz brewed 60-180 mg, instant 30-120 mg.
Tea 5 oz brewed 20-90, iced 67-76
colas 12oz can 40-45, Mt. Dew 53
Drugs OTC
Excedrin 65 mg, NoDoz 100 mg, Vivarin 200 mg.

Less than 300 mg will make you more alert with no bad health problems. Higher than 300 mg can cause insomnia (duh), irritability, anxiety, heart dysrythmias, Gastrointestinal issues, and headaches.

Sue said...

Right, exactly Paul. If you quit cold turkey, your gonna have a headache!! Just gradually decrease it!!

R said...

Well that explains my heart beating like a fucking hummingbird twenty-four hours after a DJ Dan show up in Nashville.