Monday, November 01, 2004

VOTE tomorrow!!!

Please vote tomorrow (NOV. 2nd)!! Vote for who you believe is the best candidate. Don't let anyone tell you who to vote for, vote with your own gut feeling. It is predicted that a large number of voters ages 18-30 are going to vote this year and I hope that they are true. If more college age people would vote, we could swing elections and we could get some new, young ideas into politics. You don't want old people to decide the president or your local issues, do you? Then get out there and vote! If you don't P. Diddy may hunt you down and kill you :)

John Kerry
George Bush
Ralph Nader


R said... has Kerry over Bush 298 to 231 electoral votes.

Eric said...

I believe the whole "tons of young voters" stuff when I see it:)