Monday, July 12, 2004

Mad Movie/Weekend Recap

Good weekend all in all. Friday night Sue and I headed downtown to a small hole in the wall bar called the Tavern with the Huntsville Party posse. Good bar actually. Good size drinks that actually come in a glass. Amber-bac and Guinness on tap. And the band was really good. Of course, I cannot for the life of me remember their name right now. Red...Something. They claimed to come from Ireland, but if they were the accent was REALLY weak. Great rock band either way. I got drunk enough to regret it the next day, but not drunk enough to regret it during the actual drinking (Sue might argue with that. She claims that I was dancing like the stereotypical white guy with Ann at one point. To which I reply, "I AM a white guy:)").

Saturday I was too hung over to go do any more drinking. Instead, Sue and I caught a showing of King Arthur. I thought this was one of the better movies I have seen this year. It was a lot like Braveheart, but shorter. Thank God BTW; I had to pee so bad by the end of the movie I actually used that little kid urinal because it was the closest one to the door:) Continuing the tradition started by Troy, this is yet another action/war movie with the underlying theme that either "there is no God", or "God does not help those that do not help themselves". Its more serious than I was expecting for a summer blockbuster, but that is most certainly a good thing. I really liked the acting, the casting, and Keira Knightley:)


bodhisattva said...

redd letters.

R said...

Funny dancing guy makes baby Jesus cry.