Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring in Michigan

It was 75 degrees here today. 75! In March! What the hell is going...you know what? Forget it. I'm not going to say anything bad about this. I love this weather!

Best thing so far today: I was sitting on my deck reading the paper and enjoying the weather when I hear my neighboor yell to her husband, "Eric needs your help! He's stuck in the tree again."

Ah.... to be young again and have that be my biggest worry.


Baby G & Dizzle said...
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Baby G & Dizzle said...
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Baby G & Dizzle said...

Eric and Paul, is there any way this is NOT funny?


You have to look for more than 10 seconds to get the joke.

Why is it in the 70 degree range in Michigan? Global warming?