Wednesday, July 20, 2005

My Chemical Romance

Despite the fact that I know R will pester me non-stop with comments about how I am such a poser or that I will never be the musical snob he aspires to be, I have to say that I am really enjoying the newest disc from "My Chemical Romance" that I picked up yesterday. It is just good alt rock music (more rock than alt, which I like) with a really impressive hard, dark undertone. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. Pick up a copy if you like that sort of thing.

I've been noticably absent from this blog lately. I need to come up with some more ramblings I think. I've got a few floating around my head somewhere. I just need to stay up really late one night high on a combination of caffeine and the soup of chemicals that my brain releases after a particularly good blowjob and pour them all out. Now where did I put that 50 gallon jug of Mountain Dew mixed with Spanish Fly again...


R said...

Kinda macabre, dude.

Eric said...

Forgive my honest ignorance, but the WTF is "macabre"?

R said...

Know the power of teh dictonary.comz0rz and be happy.

Eric said...

Indeed. The lyrics have a certain desperatation about them.

Eric said...

That is the video. Have you seen the other one, where its like the promo to a teen movie except it has all these goth kids trying to make out with the popular girls?

Sue said...

Cool. We have played Burnout 1 and 2 but not 3 yet. Thanks Kien. We have been DDR'ing and watching season 3 of Six Feet Under!