Monday, August 04, 2008

Alcohol Makes Me a Bad Friend

On Sunday I introduced everyone to "Wandering Eric".

Wandering Eric is what I call the guy I become when I drink in social settings where I don't know everyone. The guys at Mike's bachelor party had already met Wandering Eric. I think it was a first for the ladies though.

Wandering Eric looks and sounds just like me, except that he has the attention span of a 2 year old and even less fear of other people than me. He wanders from conversation to conversation and injects questions or statements with no mind about whether he knows any of the people talking; in fact, he tends to favor people he's never met.

As a side note: Wandering Eric tends to throw up on the ride home from the 2+ beers he had to finish while playing that last game of Beer Pong (of which he is the greatest player ever!).

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Wandering Eric missed the makeout session between Kasia and Jen, hehe.