Wednesday, December 21, 2005

WoW that's addictive

For those of you who don't know, Eric recently hooked me on WoW (World of Warcraft), which is an online roleplaying game. Yes, I know how lame roleplaying is, and [video confession time] at one point I've been into both D&D and Star Wars roleplaying. However, I'm not lame and I've roleplayed, so therefore roleplaying is not automatically lame (how do you like that logic, Socrates!)

So I figured I'd write a bit about my experiences. Feel free to flame me if you don't like boys talking about games or if your eyes glaze over when I talk gamespeak, but I'll try to keep this accessible.

It's very addictive, but not as fun as it is addictive. What I mean by that is I feel myself drawn back to the game more than the enjoyment I get from it would seem to justify. I find it... precious.

As with all video games, it brings out primal rage in me, particularly when I'm frustrated (died and have to waste time running back to my corpse). At these points I curse loudly and violently (just ask Sue). So it appeals to me because I get the thrill of having new powers and advancing and using my brain. However, it also has the frustration I feel for having to do things over (and over) again.

On a side note, I think I like it because I get attached to my character. At some level, he is me and (as you know) I get angry when I die. In addition, I like my role in the game. I am trying one of the most flexible, but challenging classes (druid). This fits me because I enjoy a challenge, but am easily bored. I play as often as possible with Sue and Eric too and I like playing the protector in that group and being able to play a game with friends 500+ miles away. At the same time, though, it's not the quality time that conversation or face2face would be (when most of our conversation is Kill That thing, Heal Me, or Eric why did you piss off every monster in the frickin room?)

Of course, the irony in all this is I now have time to play the game because I (finally) finished my dissertation on (Taaa Daaa!) Internet Addiction! Oh well, at least my dissertation wasn't totally anti-WoW, that would be hypocrisy (my least favorite -crisy).

So if I seem a little distracted lately (my bad) don't worry, it's only because I'm obsessed with a malevolent technology that dominates my life and kills my relationship and free time for 14.99/month =)


Sue said...

Kien, you are next... Muhahahhaa

Paul, I do not see why it would kill your relationship. In relationships the two people have things they do separately at times. This is one of yours. Plus before I played I would sit in the same room with Eric and read or stamp and watch him. You can still have fun conversations and watching WoW is fun too!!!

Sue said...

Oh yeah, where is a pic of your cow?

R said...

I hear you two are Hordelings...

Sue said...

Unfortunately we are Horde but it was Eric and Paul's idea. I like the Alliance better. I am an undead warlock and they are cows. Eric is a Shaman.

R said...

I despise the Alliance, mainly because 90% of them are 12 year old morons.

Had I known what I know now I would have definitely rolled a Horde character. Probably a female Troll or Orc Hunter.


Sue said...

I just mean that the Alliance has better characters, especially females. The Horde females suck!! I wish they release the damn expansion already with the blood elves!

Sue said...

Paul, why are you not on WoW anymore?? We need you for BFD and other dungeons!!!