Monday, October 04, 2004


I want to apologize in advance for this one...

Fuck the whole fucking world tonight. God damn it!!! I got some info on my family tonight from my mom. Suffice it to say that I am pissed off with specific parts of my family, myself, and the whole fucking US culture of addiction as a "disease". Look, I don't buy that crap. Addiction is a person DECIDING that giving into a problem is easier than making the choice to stop.

Is it too fucking much to ask people to take some fucking responsibly for their actions? We have free will of God sake! That is what it is for! Worse is that fact this specific family member has not learned at all from all previous encounters with this EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!!!! I'm honestly having trouble feeling even a little bit sorry for them. That's a horrible thing to say of course because they are family, but it is how I am feeling about it right now...

Fuck it; I have an exam tomorrow that I need to study for more. I just needed to get this rant off my chest...


Anonymous said...

I gave up on my family quite some time ago. I have been going cold turkey from that whole dysfunctional family, addiction now for a little over a year.

That is the responsiblity that I have learned we all must take.

Sue said...

I told him the same thing but he just had to blog that to get that out of his system. He is better now :) Thanks for the thought Kien!