Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Yet More Random stuff

  • Does anyone else find it weird that we get labor day off from work? I am not even sure how the government proposed this holiday with a straight face.

  • Government Weenie: "As a way of honoring the hard work of everyone in this country, we have decided to have everyone NOT work on the same day..."

  • The Genesis spacecraft crashed into the desert today. This has got to suck for NASA. Four years you wait around for this thing to return to earth. You spend millions of dollars paying folks to track its return, and then... SPLAT!!!!! Quite the bummer. I'm pissed when I miss the first five minutes of Scrubs (best show on TV FYI). I can't even begin to imagine this sort of let down...

  • The political machines sure are running full tilt at this point. I have to admit it is starting to get to me. I don't WANT to be cynical towards the entire political process. Really, I don't. But Christ this negative campaining is starting to make me bitter and depressed with the whole lot. All this crap about Kerry 30 years ago (Was he shot, not shot; Did he deserve all these purple hearts) is a waste of time. All this crap about Bush 30 years ago (did he serve all his guard time) is a waste of time. I don't care about the decisions you made 30 years ago. I care about decisions you have made while in office.

    Ditto with the war in Iraq. I don't care what you WOULD have done differently. I don't care that you think it was a mistake. I CARE about how you are going to improve the situation, because just leaving is not a good option at this point.

    TALK ABOUT THE FUCKING ISSUES!!! Sweet lord is that too much to ask? I want to hear about your stand on abortion, the deficit, how to make the country safer, how to help the 1 million plus people who dropped under the poverty line. I want to know about your stand on military spending, the environment, the patriot act, and the war on drugs.

  • I came to a rather startling conclusion the other night. I'm a moderate republican. No really, its true. I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Classic definition of a moderate republican. I really wish John McCain could get elected. But noooooooo.....Typical political crap. You can't get on one of the two tickets without appeasing the base (the hard-core left or the hard-core right). But you cannot get elected with appealing to the center line independents. Hence why nearly every president since Bush Sr has had to the do the double-face act for America.


Sue said...

It is weird that we get labor day off. I totally agree with what you said about the political race. Why can't they talk about the issues in a constructive manner? When Cheney basically threatened America by saying a vote for Kerry = another attack on America like 9/11, I wanted to scream.

R said...

Tom Petty for president. I'm glad we get Labor Day off. We should get more holidays honoring random crap like the invention of *69 or something.