Thursday, September 16, 2004

Work Sucks

Work sucks today. Nothing but mind-numbing code that does nothing but move bits from one location to another. But at least is finally working again today (at least the mp3 streams are working. The WMA streams always seem to be busy when I want to listen to them). The Hard House music I am listening to right now on sure is making work easier to deal with:)

Speaking of streaming music, MSN had a bunch of links to 80's Radio links. I tried each one for a few minutes, and it only reinforced my theory that there was no good rock/pop music made in the 80's ( I used to say no good music..PERIOD.., but I had to modify that after listening to some of the music played at that 80's party with Wes's possie).

1 comment:

R said...

Yah, dude, programmers have a hard life. The fruits of their labor are as transient as switching a machine on and off. They exist only when loaded into physical memory and run at the leisure of somebody.

Another cheerful fact, Eric: there are 15 and 16 year olds that can program better than you and I already.