Friday, September 01, 2006

Your Personal Slogan

A good old friend of mine from high school sent me the link below via myspace (funny how I just whined about how much myspace sucks Wednesday and here I am getting blog inspiration from it. Such is the way this crazy life works).

The Advertising Slogan Generator

Enter your first name in the box on this page and hit submit. Mine came out as:

"It Needn't Be Hell With Eric."

hmmm... Not sure I feel about that one. Not sure if it implies that "Eric" can make it better or if some other product can make being with "Eric" less like being in Hell:)


R said...

It took me three tries to get: "Out Of The Strong Came Forth Ruben."

(My first one was "The Ruben Goes Straight To The Head.")

Sue said...

"Good to the last Sue"

"Just do Bob"

"Tastes great, less Bella"

Bob's is disturbing but mine is so true...