Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pasta Survey

Sue and I are conducting a completely unscientific survey of people's opinion of wheat pasta. Two questions:

- Have you ever eaten it?

- Did you like it as much as regular pasta?

Please post answers. And remember this is for unscience, so please be honest and mean.


Anonymous said...

I have eaten wheat pasta and recently too. We eat a lot of it here. It's just as good but it doesn't taste quite the same and it might taste weird with some sauces.

Kieno said...

If you think wheat pasta is weird you should try rice pasta. Yes it exists! It's all food anyways just like Spam...

Try it with a heavier sauce like.... ohhh.... hunger. :-)

Paul said...

I've tried *whole* wheat (the majority of pasta is wheat based) and Barilla Plus pasta, w/ extra protein, which I think is closer to the real thing. I love pasta (Italian heritage and all) and my conclusion is that the only reason to eat it is if you want the health benefits if you can stand the taste. It is NOT like normal pasta and you shouldn't expect it to taste as good. However, it may be a good idea because some nutritionists believe that simple carbs (e.g., white flour, sugar, RICE, etc...) make you gain weight because they are all basically turned into glucose/sugar in the body.

If you're going to use whole wheat, then you need a more creative recipe for sauce (or meat/cheese, if desired) to mask the taste. Onions and garlic help greatly (and are also good for the heart). Good luck, however, as standard MI pasta sauces are generally bland.

Sue said...

Eric doesn't like anything healthy so this is why he hates wheat pasta. You don't know how long it took me to get him on wheat bread and fat free milk. He needs something to counteract the pound of M & M 's he eats a week ;) Thankfully he eats bananas and loves them.

I liked the pasta. It was the Barilla plus and I go the good sauce. Eric just can taste vitamins and healthy stuff and knows when he is being tricked. His body just rejects healthy stuff. Vitamins even make him nauseated...

Eric said...

Sadly, everything she wrote above is true.

ctruman said...

Being the (other)italian, coming from my stefani family heritage here are my thoughts: I have never eaten wheat pasta nor have we had in my family. We have pasta at almost every holiday and never wheat. We like the fat and the calories :)
Plus if my italian grandma were alive today she would probably laugh at the idea of any kind of change in pasta. She thought they were crazy when they came out w/ "pasta anytime".

Anonymous said...

I like wheat pasta, and so does mike. It does taste a little different, but as long as you put enough sauce, you can't tell te difference.