Friday, September 09, 2005

University Research Into Stupidity

Backpack designed to generate power from walking

I happen to see this article on Yahoo News about this backpack that researchers at the University of Pennsylvania that can generate electricity just from the act of walking with it. Cool I thought. I could use something like that for my IPod, or my cell phone at just the right moment. But then I got to this:

"Humping along just under 85 pounds (38 kg) of weight in the backpack can produce up to 7 watts of electricity"

85 pounds? 85 POUNDS? Are you kidding? Do you know how many batteries I can carry around and still be under 85 pounds? What ivory tower dumb ass thought this one up? Oh right...University of Pennsylvania ivory tower dumb asses.


R said...

This reminds me of proton packs. Remember those from Ghostbusters? When I first saw that movie I thought that proton packs were the coolest thing ever.

I still do.

Eric said...

"You're endangering us. You're endangering our client. A nice lady who paid us in advance until she was turned into a dog."

R said...

"Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back."