Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mornings are odd

I had one of those rare mornings today where I'm driving to work, but my brain is not really turned on yet. I blame this on the switch from my usual Chocolate Covered Sugar Bombs cereal to a wholesome English muffin, but that is not the point of this blog.

Its a rather weird feeling in general when my brain is not fully keeping up with the world around me, but this morning it was particularly noticeable for some reason. I had the peculiar (at least to me) feeling that I was seeing the world outside my head a bit different this morning. Its hard to explain. You know that scene at the very end of the first Matrix movie where Reves is fighting Agent Smith in the hallway and everything seems slower to him? It was sort of like that.

I had at least two moments where I realized that I just turned into a lane where traffic might be coming from without actually looking to see if anyone was coming (or at the very least not remembering whether I looked or not). What was odd was I had a sort of disconnected thought of, "wow, I could be dead now if anyone was coming", but without the usual rush of flight or fight hormones that come along with such near misses when driving. And once I realized that I was not getting scared, it dawned on me that perhaps something was not quite right with my world view this morning. Its like I was calm and collected in a way that I am rarely in everyday life. Very weird. I might need to start sleep depriving myself on purpose to see if it can make a big difference to my outlook. Although like nearly every college student I know, I spent most of my time in college as a insomniac and I do not remember it being all that enjoyable. I certainly don't remember being all that calm (competitive N64 Golden Eye play will make you a very angry, bloodthirsty person if you let it).


R said...

Same with me, except I get hit the hardest the first five or six minutes after I wake up. Because usually I get up at 7:50 and my body starts moving no matter what my mental state is in. Then my heart has to jolt itself out of its relaxed sleep rhythm to catch up with my body and that's one fucked up feeling.

But then the morning shower gives me a moment for my brain to sync up with my body and the drive to work is fine.

I don't get enough sleep at night. That's a fact. But instead of being reasonable and saying "Well, I remember how shitty I felt this morning, so I'll try to get to bed by 10," I'll still wind up staying up 'till 1 AM playing World of Warcraft.

I'm a dumbass.

R said...

Oh yeah, fuck that english muffin...then again, I AM wearing grey wool slacks to work on a Friday, so who am I to talk?


Eric said...

World of Warcraft totally rocks! It sucks up massive amounts of my free time, but I still love it.

Eric said...

Oh I forgot to mention this, but 5 points to whomever can name what "Chocolate Covered Sugar Bombs cereal" is a reference to.

Eric said...

That is correct Paul. Your five points may be redeemed for novelity hats in the gift shop on your way out.

R said...

Eric, you play WoW? What realm do you play? I'm kickin' it on Eonar!