I'm not making any judgments about the chart below. The nerd in me just thinks it's awesome that someone made a flow chart to describe the Catholic belief of the afterlife:) Now we just need a sequence diagram of the conversations between us and heaven, and maybe a use case about praying and we will be ready to implement AfterLife (tm) v2.0!
This flow chart doesn't make sense. Maybe a Catholic can explain. Sinners go to hell, but why would anyone then go to purgatory? If you weren't forgiven for your sins, you go to hell right?
You can tell I was no good at Bible study.
If I remember my conversations with Catholic friends in high school correctly, Catholics categorize sins in two groups: mortal and venial.
People who have committed mortal sins without repentance go to Hell. Purgatory is for people who have commited a venial sin and die without receiving forgiveness from a priest. Per Catholic belief, these sins need to be clensed before they can be admitted into heaven.
So... is masturbation a mortal or venial sin?
Thank God that masturbation is a venial sin.
I think the Simpsons summed it up nicely:
Father Sean: But if you do break a rule, you can always find absolution in the sacrament of confession.
Homer: Wait, wait, wait wait wait. No matter what I did, no matter how many people lost their pensions, it's forgiven like that?
Father Sean: If you truely repent, then, yes.
Homer: Oookay, let's make some magic here. I wiped a booger on your shirt, made a dog and a cat kiss, I swiped a bolted-down TV from a Holiday Inn (Cut to Homer in confessional box) I coveted the wife in Jaws 2, I lied to a waiter, I masturbated eight-million times, and I have no plans to stop masturbating in the future. (Darts out confessional door) Wahoo I'm clean! In your face Lord!
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