Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Today Sue went in for the first checkup with her doctor.

First off: just so no one is concerned, everything is going perfectly well.

The big news was that we heard the heartbeat for the first time today.

I don't quite know how to describe it. To say it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard would have been an understatement (yea, I know that sounds sappy; Bite me).

My thoughts went something like this:

"That's my baby!"

"Holy crap that heart is beating fast. Thank God Sue told me that was normal or I would seriously be freaking out"

"I love you Sue for doing this with me"

"I think it would be hard for me to be more proud or happy than I am right now"

"Wait! I was listening to that. Don't turn that off!"


Anonymous said...

Aww, very cute! Wait for a couple of months when you see a "real" body, with fingers and toes! Enjoy it all!
Love TF

Anonymous said...

Well said! Thats our Eric that we know and love :) Glad things went great for the check up for you guys!

Tophiferous said...

Awww thats so sweet :) I'm glad that everything is going well. I hope Sue is feeling ok too! Has the pickles and ice cream phase started kicking in yet? It's a good thing you've got that Meijer right there ;)

Sue said...

I am doing great and I felt the same way as Eric did. I am glad to know that there really is a baby in there. It was hard to believe until that moment. No funky cravings yet... Eric is on standby though! ;)

Tophiferous said...

Well I'm glad you are feeling great - I hope you continue to feel so great Sue! That is good news! I can't wait til you guys get to see the baby in the weeks to come, and put the ultrasound up :) I'm glad we get to experience this with you guys!! Keep feeling well, and I hope things keep progressing well!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome guys! So thrilled that everything is going well, you will make awesome parents! This is where the excitement starts to build! Are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby?
Miss you guys!

Dana said...

So sweet and so excited for you both!