Monday, June 05, 2006

Won't SOMEONE think of the children

MSNBC: Bush urges federal marriage amendment

So good old George bush today urged the congress to pass an amendment to the constitution of the United States explicitly defining marriage as between a man and woman. Never mind that marriage has been and still remains an institution defined by the states. Never mind that the federal government has zero responsibility when it comes to defining marriage. Never mind that a federal court will never see a case asking it to define marriage. Never mind that Hell would have to freeze over and the entire eastern and western seaboards would have to float off into the ocean before there could even be hope that something like this could get 2/3rds of the Senate to vote for it. Never mind any of that. That's not my beef with this.

My beef is that the Republicans are too chicken shit to say why they really want to ban gay marriage. If they would come out and just say, "I don't want gay marriage to be approved because I believe it would validate the lifestyle choice they are making that I don't agree with", I could at least understand their position. I wouldn't agree with it, but at least I could understand their position.

But every time I hear one of them say it is to, "protect the institution of marriage" or that, "changing the definition of marriage would undermine the family structure", I throw up just a little bit in my mouth. Come on. Can someone explain to me how allowing gay people to get married is going to reduce or increase the divorce rate of hetrosexual couple in this country? How about children born out of wedlock? Infidelity? Anyone? You in the back; is your hand up? Oh, that's just a large hat:) Sorry about that.

Why does the fact that two people of the same sex want to bind their lives together in any way effect whether you, the straight couple, do the same? Or in a married persons case, continue to do the same? Am I just missing something there?

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