Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Bored, Bored, and Bored

Man I am bored here in my hotel room. I ran out to the mall a bit and read random books in B. Dalton for a while. I almost cried at the number of book with subtitles like, "Why the US is a going to go down in a fiery explosion of death" or "How liberals manage to eat the heads of babies without getting called up for the draft" or some crap like that. I know the idea is to grab your attention and sell books, but blanket statements like that really turn me off to the product you are trying to sell.

I've been listening to The Killers a lot lately. Excellent music. The lyrics are great and interesting, and it has a great sound overall.

1 comment:

R said...

The Killers rock. Of course Hot Fuss is a pretty distressing album, in that anybody recently broken up probably shouldn't listen to it.

It's still very creative and a different pace from that American garbage you Yanks listen to--oh, wait, I meant we listen to. *sigh*